Road Stream Crossing Site EUP_3
Les Cheneaux Islands Watershed
EB Route
Mackinac County
Information collected by:
Site Location
GPS Coordinates: 45.9462500000001,-84.79982
T 041NN R 004W Sec 15
Fish Passability: Not Assessed
Structure is NOT Perched
Date Inventoried:
Crossing Information*
Type of Crossing: Culvert(s)
Number of Structures: 1
Structure Material: Metal
General Conditions: Severe deterioration from corrosion or abrasion (more than 50% of the structure is rusted through) or cracking or spalling or chipping (more than 50% of the structure is compromised). Or Major shape changes (described above) reducing the capacity of the structure by greater than 50%. OR Segment disconnect causing major subsurface erosion/piping and/or partial fill failure and/or sink holes in the fill.
Is Structure Rusted through? No
Dimensions of Structure: Width 12 ft. Height 0 ft.
Percentage Plugged: None or 0%
Percentage Crushed: None or 0%
Structure is NOT Perched
Structure Inlet
Water Depth: 0 ft.
Embedded Depth of Structure: 0 ft.
Water Velocity*: 0 ft./sec.
Structure Outlet
Water Depth: 0 ft.
Embedded Depth of Structure: 0 ft.
Water Velocity*: 0 ft./sec.
*Water Velocities were measured at the surface.
Riffle Information
Water Depth: 0 ft.
Bankfull Width: 0 ft.
Wetted Width: 0 ft.
Water Velocity: 0 ft./sec.
Road Information
Owner: State
Manager: DNR Parks Division
Fill Depth: 0 ft.
Fill Depth: 0 ft.
Erosion Information
Summary Information
Fish Passability: Not Assessed
Site Comments: Steel, Completely broken; replace
*These data are maintained in the Michigan DNR Road Stream Crossing Inventory.