Road Stream Crossing Site EUP_WRW03
Waishkey River Watershed, Hickler Creek
Hwy 28
Chippewa County
Information collected by:
Site Location
GPS Coordinates: 46.3751415,-84.5910083
T 046N R 002 Sec 20
Fish Passability: Barrier
Perch Height: 0.6 ft.
Total Erosion: 0.14 tons/year
Overall Score: 22
Severity: Severe
Date Inventoried: 6/7/2021
Crossing Information*
Type of Crossing: Culvert(s)
Number of Structures: 1
Structure Shape: Square/Rectangle
Inlet Type: Wingwall 10 to 30 degrees
Outlet Type: Cascade Over Riprap
Structure Material: Concrete
Structure Substrate: Sand
General Conditions: Light superficial corrosion or abrasion or chipping or spalling or cracking. No shape changes (described above).
Structure Interior: Smooth
Is Structure Rusted through? No
Dimensions of Structure: Length 80 ft. Width 11 ft. Height 8 ft.
Percentage Plugged: None or 0%
Percentage Crushed: None or 0%
Perch Height: 0.6 ft.
Structure Inlet
Water Depth: 0.1 ft.
Embedded Depth of Structure: 0 ft.
Water Velocity*: 0.1 ft./sec.
Structure Outlet
Water Depth: 0.1 ft.
Embedded Depth of Structure: 0.1 ft.
Water Velocity*: 0.2 ft./sec.
*Water Velocities were measured 0.1 ft. below the surface (via Flow Meter).
Stream Information
Stream Flow: < 1/2 Bankfull – The stream channel is less than half filled with water.
Stream Flow Type: Perennial (if flowing during the time of assessment.)
Is Scour Pool Present? No
Is Upstream Ponding Present? No
Riffle Information
Water Depth: 1 ft.
Bankfull Width: 12 ft.
Wetted Width: 8.5 ft.
Water Velocity: 0.1 ft./sec. (measured via Flow Meter)
Dominant Substrate: Silt – very fine particles that don't stick together
Road Information
Road Surface: Paved
Owner: State
Road Condition: New Pavement or Well Graded, Same condition as initial placement.
Road Core Integrity: Good (no symptoms of lack of integrity)
Road Width at Culvert: 40 ft.
Location of Low Point: Other
Runoff Path: Ditch
Fill Depth: 8 ft.
Slope: Steep, 1:1, 45°, or 100%
Fill Depth: 9 ft.
Slope: Moderate, 2:1, 22.5°, or 41%
Left Approach
Length: 1000 ft.
Slope: < 1%
Vegetation: Heavy, Ditch is fully vegetated or rip-rapped with no signs of erosion.
Erosion Estimate: 0.07 tons/year
Right Approach
Length: 1000 ft.
Slope: < 1%
Vegetation: Heavy, Ditch is fully vegetated or rip-rapped with no signs of erosion.
Erosion Estimate: 0.07 tons/year
Erosion Information
Estimate of Total Erosion at Crossing: 0.14 tons/year
Summary Information
Fish Passability: Barrier
Is a future visit to this site recommended? No
Were any non-native species observerd at this site? Yes, Reed canary grass, possible bull thistle, spotted knapweed.
*These data are maintained in the Michigan DNR Road Stream Crossing Inventory.