Road Stream Crossing Site EUP_Soo 8
Waishkey River Watershed
Trail 8
Chippewa County
Information collected by:
Site Location
GPS Coordinates: 46.4152027229737,-84.5270438303321
T 046N R 002 Sec 02
Fish Passability: Not Assessed
Structure is NOT Perched
Total Erosion: 0 tons/year
Overall Score: 25
Severity: Moderate
Date Inventoried: 9/28/2021
Crossing Information*
Type of Crossing: Culvert(s)
Number of Structures: 1
Structure Shape: Round
Inlet Type: Projecting
Outlet Type: At Stream Grade
Structure Material: Metal
Structure Substrate: Mixture
General Conditions: Major deterioration from corrosion or abrasion (10-50% of the length of structure is rusted through) or cracking or spalling or chipping (large chunks sloughing off, large cracks, exposed metal reinforcement). OR Major shape changes (described above) reducing the capacity of the structure by up to 50%. OR segment disconnection with evidence of water piping under or around the culvert.
Structure Interior: Corrugated
Is Structure Rusted through? No
Dimensions of Structure: Length 14 ft. Width 1 ft. Height 1 ft.
Percentage Plugged: 61% - 80% Inlet,Inside,Outlet
Percentage Crushed: 21% - 40%
Structure is NOT Perched
Structure Inlet
Water Depth: 0 ft.
Embedded Depth of Structure: 0.6 ft.
Water Velocity*: 0 ft./sec.
Structure Outlet
Water Depth: 0 ft.
Embedded Depth of Structure: 0.6 ft.
Water Velocity*: 0 ft./sec.
*Water Velocities were measured at the surface (via Float Test).
Stream Information
Stream Flow: None – The streambed is dry and there is no water flow.
Stream Flow Type: Concentrated Wetland Flow.
Is Scour Pool Present? No
Is Upstream Ponding Present? No
Riffle Information
Water Depth: 0 ft.
Bankfull Width: 0 ft.
Wetted Width: 0 ft.
Dominant Substrate: Organics – decomposing plant material
Road Information
Road Surface: Gravel
Owner: State
Manager: DNR Forest Resources Division
Road Condition: Old Pavement or Rutted, Minor cracking or rutting/ponding at crossing all or part of crossing length.
Road Core Integrity: Good (no symptoms of lack of integrity)
Road Width at Culvert: 11 ft.
Location of Low Point: At Stream
Runoff Path: Roadway
Fill Depth: 1 ft.
Slope: Gentle, 3:1, 15°, or 33%
Fill Depth: 1 ft.
Slope: Gentle, 3:1, 15°, or 33%
Left Approach
Length: 0 ft.
Slope: < 1%
Vegetation: Heavy, Ditch is fully vegetated or rip-rapped with no signs of erosion.
Erosion Estimate: 0 tons/year
Right Approach
Length: 0 ft.
Slope: < 1%
Vegetation: Heavy, Ditch is fully vegetated or rip-rapped with no signs of erosion.
Erosion Estimate: 0 tons/year
Erosion Information
Estimate of Total Erosion at Crossing: 0 tons/year
Summary Information
Fish Passability: Not Assessed
Is a future visit to this site recommended? No
Were any non-native species observerd at this site? No
*These data are maintained in the Michigan DNR Road Stream Crossing Inventory.